Thursday, October 22, 2009

Further Clarification To Answer Several Readers' Questions

I'll keep this brief.
The moment I read the comment sent to me by a person claiming to have had meetings with Mike Roseboro, in a pay-for-sexual behaviors setting, I called the District Attorney's Office in Lancaster, PA. The person who sent the comment claims to be a minor.
I was immediately transferred to one of the County Detectives and we spoke.
Per mutual arrangement, we spoke again later that afternoon.
I emailed all information and links to him directly and told him everything I know about the person who sent the comment and information.
He is aware that I will be completely forthcoming should I learn anything further or have any additional information even remotely related to this situation.
The possibility that a minor child was indeed molested by a pedophile, no matter who it may be, warranted my immediate attention and action.
I again thank the DA's Office and the County Detective. Extremely professional, he was thorough and prompt in his attention to the matter.
I will post this again clearly.
I have no independent knowledge about the person making the comment or the truthfulness of the comments posted. That is for the DA's Office and the County Detective to handle.
I will not comment on this or discuss it in any manner.
I have no doubt that the DA and the County Detectives will handle this thoroughly, one way or the other.