OutOfTowner July 19th, 2009 at 13:46
Becky, are you aware that you’re being totally bashed on LOL?? Might want to check it out.
I think totally bashed is a bit strong. I have my supporters! BeachGirlFromPa is a nutjob who will soon be in a mental institution. I will have more to say about her after the trial! So far she has called Judge Cullen, the DA, Sodomsky, LNP and court administration. LOL.
And not to mention she’s been in contact with author William Phelps because she’s just so damn important. LOL!
I said I will leave it alone and I have been for months. There will be one post on my site after the trial is over. Be careful on the internet. Their are a lot of stalkers and crazy people out there!
I will withhold any comments about that site until after the trial. Then I will post once and be done with it.
The above sentences are directly from Becky Holzinger's blog, Lipnews.com about yours truly and Denverpaonline.com.
I failed to see her comments about me until today when I was reading some of the comments on her site.
I see that once again, I am a "nutjob" LOLOLOL I think I should get that tattooed on my forehead or something, in case Becky and I meet on the street, so she knows that it's really, really me!
As I had posted a few times on the Denverpaonline.com site before my hiatus, what Becky does is called "gaslighting". I will include a source explanation for it in this post. But in a nutshell, usually it is a person with the Narcissistic Personality Disorder that "gaslights" anyone who calls them to task or reveals a truth about the person with NPD. If they can discredit the person who has taken a stand against them and told the truth about them, no matter the lies and confabulations they use against that individual, they can hope to avert others from ever believing the claims of the person "outting" them.
It's a classic defense/offense move by a person with NPD. If Becky can call me "nutjob", "nutcase" or "wackjob" often enough to call my integrity into question, then perhaps what I have to say about her will not be believed.
It can be frustrating for anyone who is on the receiving end of mistreatment by a person with NPD. But fortunately, I've received far more validation thus far in the process of dealing with Becky than I ever could have hoped for.
And facts always win out.
Becky now is a woman without a forum.
She has been banned from the Talkback forum of the Lancasteronline.com site.
She has been at least suspended from the Denverpaonline.com site.
And none of it was without reason.
As you all know, I was her fiercest defender and supporter. I took a good bashing for doing so but I lived and learned. I made my apologies to those who I took a stand against, in defense of Becky.
And at one time, Becky showered me with praise and kudos. She asked me repeatedly to take over the Roseboro coverage on her blog. That hasn't been lost on quite a few readers.
And then, I discovered that she was a ringleader in sharing publicly information that was considered private, between Becky and myself. It wasn't that she shared it. It was that she never took one second to pick up the phone and ask if she could. And then she used a public chat room to share that information with people who are complete strangers to me.
Even at that point, it wasn't that bad.
It was the sneaky subterfuge she tried to use to keep me from ever finding out what she had done.
I remember, being totally unaware of what she had done, reading her blog while I was sick last winter.
And one line seemed to jump off the page at me....
"What goes on in chat, stays in chat!" were her words....
And I got a very odd feeling. So I read more....
And before too long, I have discovered what Becky had done, behind my back, in a public chat room.
I had been real and sincere with her, unaware of her lack of character and abysmal lack of human empathy.
Once I was onto her, and made it clear I was going to pursue the truth about that chat, about me, she immediately went into attack mode.
And she has remained there ever since.
She has disparaged me. She has participated in some very questionable activities on the Denverpaonline.com site while I was actively off the site.
But I kept my guard up and soon all of those covert actions were revealed as well.
I had been warned to not attribute to Becky what most normal people hold to be important and vital in their behavior and thought processes. I wish I would have listened to the many people who had been hurt or attacked by Becky. I thought better of her. My bad....
Even an apology would have helped. But one never came.
No acknowledgement ever arrived either. It has been a pure case of "Wasn't me!" since last year.
She did make one comment that has puzzled me, but I've learned there is no cohesive route with her.
She said to me, "You will thank me one day."
I'm still waiting to see what I am to be so grateful for.
I have angered Becky.
Others have walked away from her much sooner than I have. I'm still standing here.
Whether it be out of pity or sheer surreal frustration, others haven't called her to task with any resolve.
They cringe and walk away, hoping to just avoid any contact, mention or interaction. And they surely hope to not see their screennames or real names on her blog.
She has mocked me, ridiculed me, slung names at me. I'm not fazed.
She accused me of always running to a lawyer. Not true. I do utilize the services of our attorney whenever I need to. And if that would be the avenue to have Becky Holzinger leave my name off of her blog or out of her mouth, I'd schedule yet another appointment.
But her opinions and posts really don't matter.
I have been far more fortunate than most people who have been attacked by a person with NPD.
Her gaslighting hasn't worked.
I have already been validated by people whom I hold in such high regard.
The people that matter see the truth. And they know the truth.
So Becky, post whatever vile, fallacious comments about me you care to.
I am quite forthright with the truth and many, many people know me and know of me.
People from many walks of life know about you and your vendettas. Your hateful words say far more about you than they ever will about me.
You can state any opinion of me you wish. In fact, it's rather complimentary in the end to have you dislike me as much as you do. It shows the world that you and I are so very different from one another.
You spew hate for everyone and everything. That comes from issues that you have.
No one knows, on any given day, who the latest target will be.
Rick Gray, Ron Harper, Detective Joe Geesey, me, the Lancaster City Police Department, Lancaster City as a whole, various member of the Talkback forum....the list goes on and on.
I was told recently that you've even attacked posters that have never interacted with you once. Ever.
As for the Denverpaonline.com site?
Yes, I came back. Jesse extended the invitation a while back and I finally was ready to rejoin the good people there. I can't tell you how the words of welcome made me feel. After months of being trashed by you and your friends, it was quite a change. The normal people came back to the site, rather than just emailing or calling me.
It has started to become a place where peope can be who they are and post their thoughts without fear of reprisal or investigation.
In the course of coming back to the Denver site, I did discover that Jesse owns a site with your name. Exactly as he owned one in my name. He is the legal owner of www.beckyholzinger.com......
You and Jesse have parted ways. I asked you on my blog to address that issue with your readers, if you would only tell them the truth as to why you have finally been suspended from the only community forum where you were welcome.
Jesse was an excellent source of news for you, since you aren't local.
He and I have reached a point of cooperation. We spoke at length about the past and the mistakes that were made along the way.
You and your friends were almost responsible for the complete demise of the Denver site. Almost.
I have learned that Jesse is a very formidable ally. And I am glad that he and I are cooperating.
He is as anxious as I am to see your "final" post about me. And about him or his site.
You know Jesse. You know his knowledge and you know his acumen when it comes to the law and the internet.
For your benefit, Becky, I posted sources about PA Law regarding privacy, libel and the internet.
There I go again LOLOL Miss Law Crazy LOLOL
It is all fact.
Post away about me, but as you have learned over the last several months, I am one who will never take it from you and just walk away. You have attacked so many good people. I'm sure that will resume once the trial is over.
But if you attack me, I will respond. Clearly.
You aren't a rogue, Becky. You have to answer for your actions like the rest of the real world.
I do believe that it's because of everyone just walking away from you in disbelief or in a chuckle fest that you have come to believe that you can steamroll anyone, post lies about anyone, Photoshop photos of anyone and post them, claim inaccuracies at any time, with no reprisal or consequences. Not true.
Your dysfunction is apparent. That is my opinion. And that of many.
I have received all the validation I needed. If I truly ever needed any, anyway. But I will admit to the pedestrian satisfaction of having others whose opinions I value highly see this exactly as I've seen it.
People I have never met but hold in extremely high regard do a "hoooo boooyyy" when they read your posts.
And some have wondered if the lies you post about me bother me.
Do they? No. Not anymore.
If I thought anyone believed you, they might. But your blog reveals you.
That is more than enough.
So, old girl, have at it.
Post away about me. Photoshop or create pics of me, post your lies about me. Call me pretty little names.
Whatever floats your boat, Becky.
It will just be your way of stirring up crap because things will have died down with the trial.
You thrive on chaos and disruption.
But it takes two to argue. And you've made my case already.
I can't speak for Jesse. But I seriously doubt that he's finished just yet. And I am glad to have him as an ally.
My suggestions to you to focus on the city of Philadelphia were genuine. There is so much going on there that you could be posting a hundred times a day. You have the motherlode right there at your fingertips!
Many have wondered why you don't blog about that or even go back to working as a reporter for any of the many media outlets in Philly. It's certainly worth thinking about......
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