This is Marian Louise Baker and her brother Ross Dalton Baker and their "foster" brother, Orin ODonel in Perry County, Pennsylvania.
The times were simple but life wasn't so simple for the Baker children.
Their smiles are what effect me the most.
No one's life is without blemish or pain. That's part of life.
But this is a snapshot of childrens' smiles :)
There are discrepancies in the information I've researched about exactly when Marian and her brother were taken in by maternal aunts and their husbands. My research into the census records leads me to believe that at the very least they were under the care of the aunts by the time this photo was taken. Hence, the smiles :)
I was never in the ODonel home during Marian's life.
I only know what I was told growing up, and I know the "sense and feel" that was shared about the ODonels.
That is how I know of the love that was shared and given to Marian. That much was portrayed accurately by Gehman in his book.
The Smiths took Ross in and loved him well. I know far less about them but would love to know more. If his life is any indication of how he was raised then handsdown, he was given a gift of second parents equal to what Marian was given.
My research into the early days of the Baker family is quite unfinished.
Many avenues of my research into the totality of this story are unfinished.
Thank you so much to my correspondent on the web for your help. It is invaluable.
I believe you know my intentions are real and without desire to inflict any pain on anyone involved.
I will not participate in anything that will sensationalize this or cause anyone problems.
I am constantly cognizant of the risk of that happening.
I have done my research with respect and pray that anyone interested in the story or my research affords anyone involved that respect.
This isn't fiction. This story is their lives.
I am treading carefully. Please do the same and afford them all respect while maintaining your interest.
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