I knew there would be the normally expected backlash of the masses feeling offended that an "outsider", no matter how talented, would profit from writing and publishing anything related to Jan's brutal murder and the tremendous loss her family and friends have suffered.
Being a writer, there is no crime in Mr. Phelps wanting to write a book chronicling the details and events leading up to and including the murder and aftermath.
I believe that there are quite a few who have taken umbrage at his comment regarding Jan's legacy.
This may be a Lancaster County specific response, or it may be an expected response from people in any geographic location.
I fully acknowledge borrowing this comment from Becky's site. It represents the feelings of very many people, most who wish to not post.
MysteryScribe August 6th, 2009 at 10:25
How dare you Phelps? Do you really think it is up to YOU to “transform (Jan’s) legacy into more than a headline”??!!!
The parent, sister, daughter, aunt, friend, neighbor Jan Binkley Roseboro was has already established that.
Shame on your audacity.
"Who the hell are YOU to represent or speak for Jan or in any way act on her behalf????"
Writing a true crime book about the case, the murder and the trial are one thing.
But taking up the "cause" of furthering Jan Roseboro's legacy is best left to those who knew and loved her.
Lancaster County is a tightknit bunch. You can relocate and live there for fifty years. You can work alongside the natives, go to their churches and break bread with them. You will remain an outsider. Truth.
The people of the northern end are hard working, God fearing, loving and giving people.
And they will circle the wagons anytime it's necessary.
Turning the book plan into a cause celebre wasn't a wise decision.
Publishers publish books to turn a profit.
Writer write to feed their soul, share themselves....and make a living.
If this book is intended to stand for Jan Binkley Roseboro in any real sense, then all profits or proceeds need to be donated to a foundation established in her name.
Any other course of action makes the banner- waving tasteless and pedestrian.
No one should be profiting from a book about Jan or her life and death unless they knew her and had the blessing of Jan in their lives.
But if a writer wishes to tell her story, then donate the proceeds.
And if a writer simply wants to write a book about the tragedy, then call a spade a spade and just write the book.
Don't shout from the rooftops that you are here to save the day.
Jan Roseboro doesn't need any help furthering her legacy. They live and breath as I type.
I know that Mr. Phelp's was quite unsure if this "story" had all the twists and turns that he loves to write about. That uncertainty was still on his mind as of a few weeks ago. I have an email that says such.
Now, he has decided to write a book.
Not a problem. I'm actually a fan.
But please, please don't come out of the gate telling the world that your purpose is to further Jan's legacy. You are writing because writer's write. And you are a best-selling author.
Publishing is about money. And this book has the potential to make the publisher and the author quite a bit of money.
That is not treating Jan very well at all. In fact it's feeling like picking over bones.
Donate ALL the proceeds. That would tell us all that this isn't just a way to profit over a heinous, horrible attack and murder of a beautiful Mom and human being.
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