Friday, March 18, 2011

Commentary on 'the book'.....

The book dealing with the murder of Jan Roseboro has been released.
I have yet to purchase it and I have no plans to. It is nothing more than a vehicle for profit. That, in itself, is not a crime or a sin. But it serves no good purpose. It offers no healing. It offers no explanation. And it surely doesn't right any wrongs.

The vulturous who have waited for the release hoping to see a slight reference to themselves have been disappointed. Their panning of the tome reveals that and their indignation over being ignored.

We can only hope that now that carcass of the crime is so dry and decaying that the bloodsuckers will finally just let it be.
A beautiful Mom is dead.
A Dad was targeted by a gold digger and paid more than the ultimate price. He destroyed lives left and right.
Children have had their lives ripped and destroyed.
A poor little boy will live his life burdened by the salacious and disgusting acts of his parents, fighting for a sense of self worth.

All we can pray for is for the world to leave that little boy alone, to live a life designed by goodness and purpose.
All involved have been picked over long enough. Let them be.
The frustration that many feel about the gold digger will have to be given up to the Powers That Be.
She hasn't lost her children, her home or her life. She walks the streets smiling.
I can't imagine a person who should fear the afterlife more than she should.

Her partner is paying a paltry penance by being incarcerated for the rest of his life.
His due is far from done.
But she's going to have to stand accountable for what she's done. And being an innocent bystander is not it.
She spotted her mark, she made herself easily available and she bedded him.
And lives were destroyed.

The book is as 'icky' as the rest of the affair and murder.
And it's time to just let it go and let hearts try to heal enough to salvage the rest of their lives.

Tethers To The Past

I'm almost redundant in saying it's been a long time.
Family, work and health issues have kept my attention elsewhere a good portion of the last several months but Marian's story is never too far from my mind.
I was fortunate to hear from a long distance friend this week who graciously sent me some photos that they found relating to the case. I will be posting them here soon.
The weather is changing a bit, and with that change will come yet another roadtrip back home. I have much research to do, people to meet up with, records to review. I have sites to physically visit. Hopefully I will be able to gain access without a legal problem.
I do have to mention that I approach all sources and sites with absolute respect. I never want to be invasive or thoughtless. This story is about a woman who conducted herself with respect and that's how the research into her life and experiences has to be carried out
This is a stunning season in Lancaster County. As it is in New Bloomfield and even Pitman, New Jersey.
I'm so anxious to get on the road.....